Wednesday, August 24, 2011

its HARD to change habits!!!!!

WOW! I never realized how much your body gets used to something... I am finding it so difficult to change my eating habits. I know that after a couple of weeks it will be better, its just this initial beginning.

I decided Monday after my WW meeting that I would start tracking EVERYTHING! Thats the only way to stay on the plan and to lose weight. So, I have been. I had to dive into my weekly allowance a little bit yesterday, but I still wrote down everything and for that I am really proud of myself.

I even made a really healthy choice at dinner last night. I orderd the salmon and steamed veggies! I was so proud of myself because it would have been so easy to order mashed potatos or a baked potato!

I'm learning to take things day by day and before I know it a week/month/year will be gone by!

As far as the gym goes.. well.. I went yesterday morning and I am sore today, but not too bad! This morning I couldn't make myself get out of bed...but I will go tonight while B is at softball practice....

one day at a time...

Here's my motivation for today: "Take care of your body...its the only place you have to live!" -Rohn


  1. Thank You for writing this blog entry, Emily! I needed to read this today. I have been struggling with the exact same thing lately and it’s comforting to find others on your journey to healthier living!

    Good for you for committing to tracking everything! I think you’re right, that’s the only way to stick to the plan, isn’t it? :) I dreaded it… but got a good tip from a personal trainer at my gym who asked me if I food journaled. When I said I’d never had much luck with it she asked me if I was writing down what I was eating *before* I ate it… and I was like, “Oops, NO…” so I have been really trying to do that whenever possible!

    And you’re right, eating out is the absolute HARDEST! It’s really tough to make smart choices when the bad ideas surround you and all look delicious. Good for you for getting that salmon & steamed veggies! If I can I haven’t been eating at restaurants that don’t have nutritional info on their website… and A LOT of them don’t! (A lot of my favorite places, too. =/) I’ve heard (and I’m sure you have too) that if you ask to box up half your meal before it comes to the table that it helps with portion control, at least! I need to try that sometime.

    As far as the gym goes, I feel like the hardest thing is just getting up and going, do you feel the same way? Once you’re there, it’s not bad at all. ;b I’ve been trying to get 30 minutes of activity in per day even if it’s not at the gym. If I just take a walk in my neighborhood or ride my bike around my neighborhood for 30 minutes... it’s something and I can be proud. I read something yesterday, also, that said if you work out on Monday you’re, psychologically, more likely to stay on track and keep working out the rest of the week! So, that’s good! Once I get to the gym I enjoy it, though, and usually stay longer than 30 min. so that’s even better. My hubby has been helping to keep me motivated in that area, though.

    Other things that have been helping me:
    1. keeping my measuring cups and spoons out in plain sight and clean all of the time. I keep them stacked in my dish drainer so if I’m cooking breakfast lunch or dinner or making myself a snack – I can keep exact track of EVERY amount that goes into my body.
    2. LOW CALORIE DESSERTS! that are making this weight loss thing a lot easier. 
    1 dark chocolate square, 1 graham cracker square, 1 marshmallow. Microwave marshmallow for 5 minutes and sometimes I put the whole thing in the toaster oven. Quick, easy, & only 115 calories!
    Dessert Shells!
    1 dessert shell, ¼ c. fruit of your choice, and 2 Tbsp. of fat free cool whip = 115 calories of YUM CITY! Super quick & easy, too!
    I have such a sweet tooth and these have been keeping me SANE!
    3. The FREE Applications Lose It!, Runkeeper, and web-based Fitocracy which I browse to from my smart phone. I use Lose It! to track all of my food & exercise. You can create a program for yourself, it has a database of foods that grows all of the time, you can input your own nutritional info & share it with friends… you earn badges for exercise and eating right… it’s brilliant! RunKeeper strictly keeps track of my exercise, and Fitocracy is an invite only, achievement-based, exercise social network. I’d be glad to send you an invite! Just let me know! You get points for your exercises and earn badges, as well!

    Okay, wow, I didn’t mean for this to be so long. I’m sorry! I just want to say Congratulations, Emily! Keep at it! We’re in this together! Keep me posted on your progress and I will do the same! You go girl!!!!

  2. =) lol, I microwave the marshmallow for only 5 seconds, not 5 minutes!!! Oh gosh, I can only imagine...
